Reverse Mortgage helps pay medical costs for homeowners 62 and older. Kim welcomes Des Lenz, Director, at American Pacific Reverse Mortgage Corporation. Kim and Des discuss options on how to use the equity in your home to help pay for medical expenses. An illness or accident could be catastrophic for an older member of your family. Kim and Des share real life stories from their clients and how they used a Reverse Mortgage to help.
– Must be 62 years old or older
– Must live in the home
– Must pay the taxes, insurance and maintain the home
– No loan re-payment until the homeowner dies, or moves out
– The loan is paid usually be selling the home
– Reverse Mortgage insured by the Federal Housing Administration
– No monthly mortgage payment
– Pay medical expenses
– Improve cash flow
– Line of credit availability
“Reverse Mortgage can really improve your quality of life when you no longer have the burden of a monthly mortgage payment.” Says Des. “A Reverse Mortgage is not for everyone, however, and there are plenty of Mortgage options.” Reminds Kim.
Kim Dodge has over 8 years of experience as a Reverse Mortgage Specialist with Usher Financial Group.
Contact Kim Dodge for more information on Reverse Mortgage
Click Here – Happy Reverse Mortgage Clients
Usher Financial Group is a division of American Pacific Mortgage Corporation NMLS 1850. A Reverse Mortgage is a loan that must be re-paid. Homeowner is responsible for taxes, home owners insurance, maintenance of home, HOA dues and must be a primary residence. Eligible non-borrowing spouse may be under 62 years old. These materials are not from HUD or FHA. This document was not approved by the Department or Government Agency.
Des Lenz is the Director of American Pacific Reverse Mortgage Corporation, NMLS 212971, CA BRE 01140423
- Kim Dodge Usher Financial Group
- Kim Dodge Usher Financial Group