Aging Life Care™, also known as geriatric care management, is a holistic, client-centered approach to caring for older adults or others facing ongoing health challenges. Our professional organization, Aging Life Care Association, began a process in 2015 when it became aware that the term “care manager” had been appropriated by many others in the community. We paid for a national survey of members, peer professionals and the community, researched current data and trends and choose to move forward with the new brand “Aging Life Care Manager.”
Our aging life care managers are health care professionals such as nurses, social workers, gerontologists, physicians, psychologists and others. We have a national process that certifies our aging life care managers that includes a process of 2- year supervision, educational background check verifying that applicants are meeting and/or exceeding professional standards and last a national certification test.
Aging Life Care Managers tend to measure the following areas and then create solutions to address these areas.
- Changes in the client’s present problems, issues and/or concerns.
- Change in the client’s present functioning, whether it is physical, mental, emotional, psychological, social, and/or spiritual.
- Gaps between existing support and/or needed functioning (changes in a client’s plan of service being provided)
- Gaps between current resources and present needs for resources
Aging life care managers take action after securing authorization from the client and/or their family after assessing the above areas and can respond in the following ways:
- Assessment and monitoring
- Planning and problem-solving
- Education and advocacy
- Family caregiver coaching
The client’s independence is encouraged, while safety and security concerns are also addressed. Aging Life Care Professionals are able to address a broad range of issues related to the well-being of their client. They also have extensive knowledge about the costs, quality, and availability of resources in their communities. Refer here for more information about aging life care professionals:
For families that want to provide care management for their loved one, a local group of aging life care managers, and other professionals wrote a how-to book. It can be read from cover to cover or only the chapters that are most of concern to your family member or friend at this time. For more information, please visit:
To contact Joyce & her team, please visit her bio page here –